Horizontal Pump

Horizontal multistage non-self-certificugai pump, attached with long shaft electric motor compact structure renders small size of pump; axial inlet radial outlet.


Curve conditions

  • Following condition are suitable for the performance curves shown above.
  • All curves are based on the measured values of 50Hz; constant motor speed 2900r/min, 60Hz; constant motor speed 3500r/min;
  • Curve tolerance in conformity with ISO9906Annex A.
  • Measurement is one with 20oC air-free water, kinematic viscosity of 1mm2/sec.
  • The operation of pump shall refer to the performance region described by the thickened curve to prevent overheating due to small flow rate overload of motor duo to too large flow rate.

Operation condition

  • lipid temperature:
  • Normal temp:-15oC-70oC
  • Hot water:-15oC-115oC
  • Ambient temperature :up to 40oC
  • Max .operation pressure: 10bar
  • Max. inlet pressure is limited by max .Operation pressure.