UV Sterilizer

It is known that the most convenient and low cost to kill germs is using ultra violet ray within solar ray. Human being was using it everyday since ancient but they didn’t know it is ultra violet ray.

There are more than 200 years since ultra violet ray was found but no one knew it would be used on disinfecting germs until 1877, doctor Niels Ryberg Finsen.

A Danish Scientist who found out to expose some specified skin disease under solar ray would be healed mush faster, who spent most of his life wanted to find out his possibility.

Ultra violet ray is an invincible light within the solar ray separate into 3 band: A(UVA), B(UVB), C(UVC). The most effective band is C(UVC) which wave length is 253.7nM.


What are advantages of Ultra violet ray disinfect device

  1. It can kill algae, fungi, germs and virus they are all in the water
  2. No side effect will be remained. There will be no toxic, pollution or residue left after using this device
  3. Easy to use
  4. Can be used at most of environment such as hospital, food industry, environment protection industry, medicine industry and biochemical research etc.
  5. Low cost
  6. Medical Health